

Orbs (ORBS) is a platform token that allows businesses to use hybrid consensus architecture, scalability, virtual chain isolation and low Ethereum fees to scale decentralized blockchain applications.

News about Orbs

OrbsORBS #424
10 Nov 2022, 13:22
Community, The last few days have been a turbulent time in the market, with nearly everyone glued to social media watching history unfold before us. We hope you are safe during this time of turbulence. We'd like to take a moment to remind the community that Orbs, since inception, has been practicing proper risk management. While we do hold a certain percentage of Orbs treasury in crypto we are not exposed to exchanges imploding and are hedging risks. Orbs was not in any way impacted by FTX. Things are business as usual for us, and we are prepared if worst case, for a long bear market to continue building and advancing Orbs as a significant L3. As always we'd like to remind the community of the advantages of self-custody and participating in DeFi over CeFi, a philosophy that TWAP will continue to build upon.
Community, The last few days have been a turbulent time in the market, with nearly everyone glued to social media watching history unfold before us. We hope you are safe during this time of turbulence. We'd like to take a moment to remind the community that Orbs, since inception, has been practicing proper risk management. While we do hold a certain percentage of Orbs treasury in crypto we are not exposed to exchanges imploding and are hedging risks. ...
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